Central Financing and Contracting Department – is the Contracting Authority. The Head of the Contracting Authority is at the same time the Head of the Operating Structure (HOS) for Regional Development. The Contractor will report to CFCD and the Contractor’s Team Leader will have to perform regular communication with the Contracting Authority and coordinate the Contract activities in close consultation with HOS.
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning through the IPA Coordinator / Department for EU as part of the Operating structure is a body within the OS which have tasks mainly related to technical implementation and monitoring, as defined in Article 6 of the Operational Agreements signed between the HOS and the IPA Coordinator. Furthermore, the IPA Coordinator has to ensure that the Contractor is provided with all necessary information needed for preparation of Project.
Project Steering Committee (PSC) at the highest level is established to oversee the implementation of all project activities.
The Steering Committee (SC) will be composed as follows:
- Representatives from Unit for Programming and Monitoring of Implementation of IPA, Unit for Approximation and Negotiation from EU Department within the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Department for Water within the Administration of Environment;
- Representative from the Secretariat for European Affairs;
- Representative from Ministry of Transport and Communication;
- Representative from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Economy and Forestry – Administration for hydro-meteorological services;
- Representative from the ADKOM;
- Representative from the Contracting Authority, as observer;
- Representative from the Delegation of the European Union (DEU), as observer.
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