Institutional Development Plan Institutional Development Plan should clarify institutional responsibilities and roles of various institutions in water management, drinking water supply and waste water treatment, related infrastructure management, strengthen institutional cooperation and target actions and training activities during implementation of the project but also in later stage when implementing results of the project.
Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment Policy Policy should include following elements: Review of water resources quantity and quality situation; Identification of present and likely future water demands and impacts according to different users, including assessment of changes in the socio-economic conditions (such as the population growth and urbanization, irrigation of large agricultural areas, the pollution of surface water) and natural conditions (hydro, meteorological, etc.); Water balance; Long term goals and targets for water sector (up to 30 years perspective); Main measures, technical and economic solutions for utilization of waters, for their protection against pollution in order to achieve policy goals and targets; Time plan for realization of the technical and economical solutions as mentioned above and Proposal for institutional system in order to implement proposed goals and targets, to ensure implementation of measures.
Report on Identified Agglomerations and Sensitive Areas The Contractor shall prepare Report on Identified Agglomerations and Sensitive Areas so the country will be able to plan infrastructure needs allowing compliance with EU requirements.
Directive Specific Implementation Plans Directive Specific Implementation Plans (UWWTD and Drinking Water Directives) for implementation of selected heavy investment environmental requirements and for support of the implementation and negotiations process through providing additional argumentation with regard to the implementation of the acquis, in particular for the heavy investment directives will be developed.
Strategic Framework for Sludge Management Strategic Framework for Sludge Management will be developed in order to guide sludge managing process taking into consideration increasing volumes of sludge after establishment of new waste water treatment plants.
Programme for Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment Programme for Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment based in DSIPs and Strategic Framework for Sludge Management will be developed in order to combine needs for water sector infrastructure, assessed possible financing sources and potential compliance schedule.